Somali Court Jails Seven TikTokers for Incitement and Immorality


Mogadishu, Somalia – A magistrate court in Mogadishu has sentenced seven TikTok influencers to six months in prison for charges including incitement, provocation of civil unrest, and the spread of immorality.

The verdict was delivered on Sunday by the Banadir Regional Court.

The Banaadir Regional Court handed down the sentences to the group, which includes prominent social media figures.

Of the nine individuals initially detained, seven received prison sentences, while two were acquitted and released due to insufficient evidence.

According to legal experts, the acquittal highlights the complexities involved in prosecuting cases related to social media activities.

The nine young women were detained in May during a police crackdown on social media activity deemed harmful to public order.

Authorities accused the influencers of using their TikTok platforms to stir up clan-based tensions and disturb the peace in the capital city.

“The state prosecutor’s office charged the group with inciting the public and provoking civil war,” a court official said ahead of the verdict.

The police-led crackdown targeting  social media influencers began in May and resulted in multiple arrests across Mogadishu.

However, the arrests and subsequent charges have sparked widespread debate about the balance between freedom of expression and social responsibility in Somalia.

Several other young social media users remain in custody, awaiting trial on similar charges related to their social media activities.

Meanwhile, the trials which are reflecting the tension between modern social media practices and traditional values in Somalia also highlight the Somali government’s growing concern over the influence of digital content on societal norms and stability.


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