Somaliland Checkmate? Somali President’s Push for Second Deputy Prime Minister Ignites Political Tensions


Mogadishu, Somalia — In a significant political maneuver, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is advocating for the appointment of a second deputy prime minister position, a move that has stirred controversy and threatens to deepen existing political tensions.

This proposal has sparked discontent among MPs from Somaliland in the federal parliament, who argue that it would undermine the authority of the current deputy prime minister, Salah Jama, a prominent figure from Somaliland.

However, the President’s initiative is seen as part of a broader strategy to curtail Somaliland’s political clout and influence within the central government.

The timing of President Mohamud’s proposal is also significant.

It comes amid escalating friction between Mogadishu and the self-declared breakaway region of Somaliland, following a contentious port agreement with Ethiopia earlier this year.

President Mohamud has publicly denounced the deal as ‘unlawful,’ accusing Ethiopia of flagrant violation of  Somalia’s territorial sovereignty.

The controversy over deal which sparked regional tensions has also strained diplomatic relations between Somalia  government and Ethiopia.

Salah Jama

Insiders suggest that the newly proposed deputy prime minister will wield more powers than the current deputy prime minister, potentially further diminishing Jama’s role.

This has intensified concerns among Somaliland’s representatives, who fear their region’s political clout is being systematically eroded.

Furthermore, political analysts note that the introduction of a second deputy prime minister is not merely an administrative change but a strategic move to consolidate power and reconfigure alliances.

“This move is seen as part of a broader strategy by President Mohamud to weaken the political leverage of Somaliland within the federal structure,” said a political analyst familiar with the developments.

“By creating a powerful second deputy prime minister from the Southwest state, the president is likely aiming to counterbalance the influence of Somaliland, especially given the recent tensions over the port deal with Ethiopia.”

Meanwhile, members of parliament from Somaliland have voiced strong objections to the proposal, arguing that the appointment of this position is not only unnecessary but also a blatant attempt to marginalize their representation.

“It undermines the principles of fair representation and unity,” said a Somaliland MP who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue.

“It is a clear effort to weaken our political standing and influence within the federal government.”

Meanwhile, the proposal will likely ignite a heated debate within the federal parliament in the coming days, with lawmakers from different states taking sides.

Supporters of the president’s plan argue that it will bring about a more balanced representation and enhance the functionality of the government.

However, detractors view it as a divisive tactic that could further destabilize the already fragile political landscape of Somalia,

“This appears to be a strategic move by President Mohamud to dilute the influence of Somaliland within the federal framework,” said a political analyst with knowledge of the situation.

“By empowering a second deputy prime minister from the Southwest state, the president aims to recalibrate the balance of power, especially in light of the developing tensions.’

As the federal parliament prepares to debate the proposal, the stakes are high, with the outcome will have significant implications for the political equilibrium in Somalia

According to the observers, President Mohamud’s gambit is not just a reflection of internal political strife but also highlights the broader challenges facing Somalia’s federal system and the greater issue of national unity.


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