From enemies to unlikely allies: Afwerki,-Abiy’s union shake up regional policies 

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, left, and Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki attend the reopening of the Eritrean embassy in Ethiopia on July 16. The two leaders opened the border between their countries on Tuesday.(EPA/Shutterstock)

By Abal Tadele, reporter

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki have made headlines in recent years for their unlikely reconciliation after decades of hostility between their two countries. 

Abiy, who came to power in 2018, took the bold step of reaching out to his Eritrean counterpart and offering to end the long-standing border dispute between the two nations.

In July 2018, Abiy made a historic visit to Eritrea, becoming the first Ethiopian leader to do so in over 20 years. The visit marked the beginning of a process of rapprochement between the two countries, which had been at odds since Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993.

The reconciliation process has since led to the reopening of embassies in both countries, the resumption of flights between Addis Ababa and Asmara, and the signing of a peace agreement between the two nations in July 2018. 

The two leaders have also made efforts to strengthen economic ties between their countries and have pledged to work together to promote regional peace and stability.

Despite the progress made in the reconciliation process, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. 

The border between Ethiopia and Eritrea remains closed. However,, the reconciliation between Abiy and Afwerki represents a significant breakthrough in the long-standing conflict between their countries and offers hope for a more peaceful and prosperous future for the region.


In a surprise move, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki have announced a strategic alliance that they say will be a turning point for regional policies in the Horn of Africa.

Speaking to the reporters after their subsequent meetings in Asmara where they discussed ways to strengthen ties between their two countries and promote peace and stability in the region, , Abiy Ahmed said that the alliance between Ethiopia and Eritrea would have far-reaching implications for the region. 

He said that the two countries would work together to address common challenges and pursue shared interests, including economic integration, security cooperation, and joint infrastructure projects.

Isaias Afwerki, for his part, praised the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s vision and leadership, saying that the alliance would pave the way for a new era of cooperation between the two countries. He said that the two leaders had agreed to establish a joint commission to oversee the implementation of their plans and to ensure that the alliance delivered concrete results.

Observers say that the Abiy-Afwerki alliance could have significant implications for the wider Horn of Africa region, which has been plagued by conflict and instability for many years. 

Some analysts see the move as a challenge to other regional powers, such as Egypt and  Sudan who have been seeking to increase their influence in the region.

Despite the positive tone of the announcement, some critics have expressed concern about the lack of transparency around the alliance and the potential for it to exacerbate existing tensions in the region. 

However, Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki have both emphasized that their goal is to promote peace and stability in the region, and they have called on other countries to join them in their efforts.


After decades of animosity, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki have forged a strong friendship that has led to significant changes in the Horn of Africa region.

Following the historic peace deal signed in 2018, which ended a 20-year border conflict between the two countries, Abiy and Afwerki have taken bold steps towards cooperation and integration.

One such step is Abiy’s campaign to have Eritrea rejoin the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional organization that promotes economic cooperation and political stability in East Africa.

Eritrea withdrew from IGAD in 2007 due to disagreements with neighboring countries, but Abiy believes that Eritrea’s reintegration into the organization could further boost regional peace and development.

The move has been welcomed by other IGAD member states, with some expressing hope that Eritrea’s return could lead to increased trade and investment opportunities in the region.

Despite some challenges, the newfound alliance between Abiy and Afwerki has already brought about significant positive changes in the region, and many are hopeful that it will continue to strengthen and flourish in the years to come.

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