US Ambassador: Al-Shabab Lost Third of Territory in Somalia


By Ali Mohammed, reporter  

Mogadishu, Somalia – The U.S. ambassador to Somalia, Larry André, has stated that the Somali  government’s military operations against the militant group al-Shabab have cost the group one third  of its territory.  

In an email to VOA Somali Service, Mr. André said that “Somali-led offensives have restored  Somalia’s sovereignty to 1/3 of the territory formerly misruled by al-Shabaab,” adding that “ending  al-Shabab’s oppression is one step further toward Somalia’s full revival.” 

Al-Shabab, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda, has been waging an insurgency in Somalia for more than  a decade, seeking to overthrow the government and impose its strict interpretation of Islamic law.  

The group has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks, including deadly assaults on key  locations in the capital, Mogadishu that killed hundreds of people in recent years.  

The Somali government, with the support of African Union and U.S. forces, has been conducting  military operations against al-Shabab for several years, with some success. 

However, In recent months, the government and local residents fed up with the group’s harsh rule  has launched a major offensive against the group across large parts of the country, which has driven  the group out of large territories.  

The U.S. has been providing military and logistical support to the Somali government in its fight  against al-Shabab, and the U.S. Africa Command has carried out numerous airstrikes against the  group in Somalia. 

Despite the gains made by the Somali government against al-Shabab, the group remains a potent  threat in Somalia and the wider region. Al-Shabab has been able to adapt to the changing  circumstances of the conflict, using guerrilla tactics and launching attacks on soft targets such as  hotels and restaurants. 

The U.S. ambassador’s comments come as Somalia prepares for the second of an anti al-Shabab  offensive aiming to liberate areas still under its control. 

The country has been plagued by political instability and violence for decades, and the upcoming military operations are seen as a crucial step in stabilizing the country.

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