US Concerned Over Journalist Attacks in Kenya 

A plainclothes police officer is captured on tape hitting a press vehicle during Thursday's mass action in Embakasi South, Nairobi, March 30, 2023. Image: SCREEN GRAB

By Tom Mwangi, Africa editor  

Nairobi, Kenya – The United States has expressed deep concern over the recent attacks on journalists  in Nairobi, Kenya. 

The U.S ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman made a statement on Twitter, stating that press  freedom and safety are fundamental pillars of democracy. 

Members of the press have been targeted over the past few days while covering mass  demonstrations in the city, with both police and goons have attacked journalists, making it difficult  for them to carry out their work.  

On Thursday, six journalists were seriously injured while covering protests in Eambakasi South,  according to the Media Council of Kenya (MCK). 

The MCK has also reported several other cases of attacks on journalists in recent days. These  incidents have sparked outrage among media organizations and advocates for press freedom. 

The US ambassador’s statement comes as a welcome show of support for the Kenyan media.  Journalists play a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in a democracy.  

According to media organizations the attacks on the press are a direct assault on these values, and  they must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. 

The Kenyan government has a responsibility to ensure that journalists are protected while carrying  out their work. The police must also be held accountable for any acts of violence against members of  the press, they stated. 

As the world continues to grapple with the post-COVID-19 pandemic crisis, access to accurate  information has become more important than ever. Journalists are on the front lines of this fight,  and they deserve our support and protection.

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