Ugandan President’s son-general vows sending troops to Russia  


By Akiki Abbo, reporter

Kampala, Uganda (Somalistandard) – On Thursday, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the influential son of Ugandan President  Yoweri Museveni, announced on Twitter that his country would send troops to defend Moscow if it  ever came under threat. 

In his tweet, Kainerugaba said people may choose to refer him as a “Putinist” and declared that Uganda would support Russia against what he referred to as “Imperialists.” 

Kainerugaba’s announcement comes amid growing tensions between Russia and the West over the  conflict in Ukraine.  

The Ugandan military has a history of participating in international peacekeeping missions, including  in Somalia and the Central African Republic. However, it is unclear whether Uganda has the military  capability to deploy troops to Russia, which is located thousands of miles away. 

The tweet has received mixed reactions, with some Twitter users applauding Kainerugaba’s  statement while others criticized it.  

Some commentators questioned the wisdom of involving Uganda in a potential conflict between  Russia and the West. 

This is not the first time Gen. Kainerugaba has made headlines for his controversial statements. In  2019, he sparked a backlash when he suggested that Uganda should adopt a Chinese-style internet  censorship regime.  

He has also been accused of human rights abuses while serving as the head of Uganda’s special  forces. 

President Museveni has been in power since 1986 and is widely criticized for his authoritarian rule  and crackdowns on opposition groups. Kainerugaba is widely seen as a possible successor to his  father and has been touted as a potential presidential candidate in the future.

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