Somali militants begin hunting Tiktokers in Somalia 


By Liban Mohamed, reporter  

(Somalistandard) – In a disturbing turn of events, the extremist group Al-Shabaab has reportedly started targeting Tiktok  users in Somalia.  

The group, which has been known for its violent and oppressive tactics in the country, has claimed  that it is hunting down Tiktokers for sharing immoral and indecent content on the popular social media platform. 

According to reports from local media outlets, Al-Shabaab has been using its intelligence network to  identify Tiktok users who are posting videos that the group deems as inappropriate.  

The group has allegedly embarked on a secret mission targeting some Tiktok users, and has even  resorted to kidnapping and torture in some cases. 

Among the victims of extremists deadly missions are two young Tiktokers have been killed in two  separate attacks in Elasha-biyaha, a settlement outside the Somali capital on Friday and Saturday. 

The situation has caused widespread panic among the youth in Somalia, who have taken to social  media to express their fears and concerns. Many are afraid to post anything on Tiktok, and some  have even deleted their accounts altogether. 

This is not the first time that Al-Shabaab has targeted social media users in Somalia. In the past, the  group has been known to target journalists, bloggers, and activists who are critical of its activities.  However, this latest move against Tiktokers marks a new low in the group’s campaign to control  every aspect of life in Somalia. 

Human rights groups have condemned Al-Shabaab’s actions, and are calling on the Somali  government to take action to protect the rights of the people of Somalia.  

The situation in Somalia remains volatile, and the threat of violence from Al-Shabaab continues to  loom large. 

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