Ugandan President Supports Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni is expected to sign into law the anti-LGBTQ+ bill passed by MPs last month, which criminalises identifying as gay. Photograph: John Muchucha/AP

By Akiki Abbo, reporter

Kampala, Uganda (Somalistandard) – Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, has strongly urged  African leaders to completely reject the promotion of homosexuality, indicating that he may soon  sign into law a controversial anti-LGBTQ+ bill that was passed by parliament last month.  

The bill has been heavily criticized internationally, including by the UN high commissioner for human  rights, who has urged Museveni not to sign it. 

If signed into law, the bill would impose the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” and life  imprisonment for the “recruitment, promotion and funding” of same-sex activities.  

Speaking on Sunday, Museveni said that homosexuality posed a threat and danger to the  procreation of the human race. 

He further stated that Africa should lead the way in saving the world from this degeneration and  decadence, which he believes is very dangerous for humanity. 

Museveni argued that if people of opposite sexes stop appreciating one another, it would be  impossible for the human race to propagate. 

Critics of the bill have expressed concerns that it will infringe upon the human rights of LGBTQ+  individuals in Uganda. Activists have also argued that it could increase discrimination and violence  against LGBTQ+ people. 

It remains to be seen whether Museveni will sign the bill into law, but his recent comments suggest  that he is in support of it.

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