Deadly Al-Shabab infighting amid growing Power Struggles 

Al-Shabaab fighters display weapons as they conduct military exercises in northern Mogadishu, Somalia, OCtober 21, 2010. (File photo AP)

By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – Deadly clashes erupted among the al-Shabab militants in Jilib town on Tuesday, leaving several  militants dead and injured. 

The clashes occurred amid power struggles among the leaders of the extremist group, which has  been waging a violent insurgency in Somalia for more than a decade. 

According to local sources, the fighting broke out after a group of al-Shabab militants loyal to the group’s leader, Abu Ubeidah, attempted to oust fighters loyal to his deputy, Mahad Karate from  their positions. The clashes reportedly lasted for several hours and involved heavy gunfire and  explosions. 

The exact number of casualties is still unknown, but witnesses reported seeing several dead and  injured militants being carried away from the scene.  

Civilians in the area were also reportedly caught in the crossfire and forced to flee their homes. 

The power struggles within al-Shabab are not new, but they have intensified in recent weeks, with  different factions vying for control of the group. 

Experts say that the infighting could weaken the group’s cohesion and make it more vulnerable to  attacks by the Somali military and African Union forces. 

“We are seeing more and more signs of fragmentation and internal tensions within al-Shabab,” said  Dr. Abdinoor awli, a Somalia analyst at the University of Nairobi.  

“This could lead to more violence, as different factions compete for power and resources.” The clashes in Jilib come amid a surge in military pressure on al-Shabab across Somalia.  

In recent weeks, Somali forces have carried out a series of operations against the group, targeting its  strongholds and disrupting its supply lines. 

Despite these setbacks, however, al-Shabab remains a potent threat in Somalia, carrying out  frequent suicide bombings and other attacks. The group is also believed to have links to Al-Qaeda  and other extremist organizations.

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