Somalia flash floods kill 21 

Locals wade through a flooded street after bursting of a river in Beledweyne, central Somalia, May 17, 2020. (Xinhua/Hassan Bashi)

At least 21 people, including six children, have lost their lives in the flash floods in Somalia’s  Bardhere district, according to the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian  Affairs (OCHA). 

The heavy rains and floods have also impacted nearly 100,000 individuals in the Gedo region of  southern Somalia. 

The affected region shares borders with Ethiopia, where heavy rains have caused water levels in the  Shabelle and Juba rivers to rise.  

The flash floods have destroyed health facilities, as per the Somalia National Disaster Management  Agency, which has cautioned communities residing near rivers of the impending danger. Mohamed  Moalim, the agency’s strategic policy and partnership advisor, has emphasized the importance of  preparedness and safety measures. 

– Somalistandard and agencies 


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