Mogadishu sees growing fake Explosives trend by militants  


By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – Militants have recently been using artificial or fake explosives in their attacks  in the capital city, according to local authorities. 

According to security officials, the fake explosives locally known as “Dhemish,” are used by militants  to create fear and panic among the population without actually causing any damage, using them as  alternative explosives amid challenges they continue to face in smuggling real explosives into the city  due to tight security measures in place.  

The use of Dhemish has become increasingly common in Mogadishu in recent months, with militants  using them in attacks on markets, government buildings, and other public places. According to  sources, the militants use materials like wires, batteries, and other small electronic parts to create  the fake explosives. 

Local authorities have expressed concern about the use of Dhemish, as it is difficult to differentiate  between real and fake explosives without expert analysis.  

This has led to increased anxiety among the population, who are unsure whether an attack is  genuine or not. 

In response, the government has deployed bomb experts to the affected areas to identify and  neutralize any potential threats.  

Security forces have also been deployed to carry out thorough checks and searches of individuals  and vehicles entering the city. 

The use of fake explosives has been condemned by various local and international organizations,  who have called for an end to the practice. They have also called on the authorities to take  necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of the population. 

The authorities have assured the public that they are doing everything possible to combat the use of  fake explosives, and have urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the  authorities. 

Nevertheless, the use of such explosives by militants in Mogadishu is a worrying trend that has  caused fear and anxiety among the population who have subsequently urged authorities to take  swift and effective action to combat this practice and ensure the safety and security of the people.

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