Senior Somaliland military Commander defects to rebel forces

the commander of the 95th brigade of the Somaliland military. Photo/Courtesy

By Ibrahim Jama, reporter

Hargeisa ( Somalistandard) – In a surprising turn of events, the commander of the 95th brigade of the Somaliland military, has  announced his defection and intention to join the anti Somaliland tribal militias forces in a major  blow to the Somaliland troops fighting separatist rebels. 

Announcing his decision on Thursday, Abdi cited the atrocities he claimed were inflicted by the  Somaliland forces on the people of his home regions as the reason for his decision. 

Abdi, who was based in Buhoodle and Carowayn, stated that he could no longer stand by and  witness the mistreatment of his people.  

He expressed a strong desire to defend his community, which has led him to join the SSC forces in  the SoSo’s provincial capital in Lasaanood, a region in eastern Somaliland. 

The move by the commanfer has raised eyebrows in Somaliland, as he held a high-ranking position  within the region’s military.  

His decision to switch sides and join forces with the SSC has the potential to impact the ongoing  conflict in the region, as the SSC forces have been engaged in clashes with the Somaliland  government over disputed territories. 

Somaliland, a self-declared independent state in northern Somalia, has been seeking international  recognition as a sovereign nation, but its claims are not universally recognized. The region has  experienced sporadic violence and tensions over the months, particularly in disputed areas such as  Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions, where the SSC forces have been active. 

The senior commander’s defection to the SSC forces may signal further challenges for the Somaliland  government in maintaining control over the disputed regions.  

It remains to be seen how this development will impact the ongoing dynamics in the region and the  efforts towards resolving the long-standing disputes.

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