Somali Coast Guards seize Iranian Fishing boats in first operation in decades  

Photo Courtesy/Internet

By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The Somali Navy and Coast Guard recently carried out its first operation in decades that resulted in  the capture of two boats that were fishing illegally in the sea of Somalia. 

According to Major General Mubarak Abdiqani, the Commander of the Somali Navy and Coastal  Defense Forces, these boats were Iranian vessels that had been fishing illegally in Somali waters for  over 30 years. 

The federal government of Somalia has claimed ownership of the two captured boats and said it has  gathered enough evidence to bring their case before a competent court.  

This comes as the Somali navy has increased its efforts to search for and apprehend ships and boats  that are illegally fishing in Somali waters, following a stern warning issued by the government last  month. 

The Ministry of Fisheries and the Blue Economy of XFS, which is responsible for overseeing Somalia’s  marine resources, has warned foreign countries whose ships are found in Somali waters to leave  immediately.  

The Somali government has also demanded that these countries return any property that they have  illegally taken from Somali waters, warning that they will face legal consequences if they fail to  comply. 

Illegal fishing has been a longstanding issue in Somali waters, with foreign vessels often exploiting  the lack of effective maritime law enforcement in the region.  

This has had a detrimental impact on Somalia’s marine resources, negatively affecting the livelihoods  of local fishermen and threatening the country’s marine biodiversity. 

The capture of these two Iranian boats by the Somali Navy and Coast Guard is seen as a step  towards combating illegal fishing in Somali waters and protecting the country’s marine resources.

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