No revenge: Somali President Adopts New Political culture in polarizing country’s politics

Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. (Photo Courtesy)

By Liban Mohamed

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia has made a surprising move by re-appointing General  Mahad Abdirahman Aden, also known as Shub, as the Commander of the Custodial Corps,  responsible for prison guards.  

This decision has sparked discussions and interpretations about President Hassan Sheikh’s leadership  style and his stance on political revenge and loyalty within the country’s armed forces. 

One key interpretation is that President Mohamud is keeping his promise that he’d not to seek  revenge on those who mistreated him when he was in opposition.  

Mr. Shub, who previously headed the prison guards force when shots were fired at a vehicle  escorting President Hassan Sheikh when he was in the opposition, has been re-appointed.  

This move is seen as evidence that President Hassan Sheikh is deviating from a path of revenge and  is now more focused on building a cohesive leadership instead.  

Another interpretation is that President Hassan Sheikh is confident in his ability to implement his  security policy and believes that the armed forces’ command will follow his directives.  

By retaining Shub and Gen. Odowa Yusuf Rage, the country’s top army chief, appointed by his  predecessor and political rival, Mohamed Farmajo, President Hassan Sheikh is signalling his  confidence in getting commanders to align with his vision for the country. 

Lastly, some analysts interpret President Hassan Sheikh’s decision to retain officials appointed by  former President Farmajo as a message to the armed forces that they should work for the country as  a whole and not for individuals.  

This move is seen as a way to emphasize loyalty to the country rather than to specific individuals or  regimes and to discourage oppressive behavior towards individuals who may come and go from  positions of power.

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