Corruption allegations, Nepotism Rock Somalia’s Bureau of Standards amid mass layoffs 


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The Director-General of Somalia’s Bureau of Standards, Hawa Ahmed Hassan, who  happens to be the daughter-in-law of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is facing serious  accusations of corruption and nepotism.  

Reports have emerged of abuse of power and lack of due process in the laying off of bureau  employees. 

In a letter of protest addressed to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the laid-off staff members  pleaded for help, alleging that Hawa Ahmed Hassan had abused her authority and shown favoritism.  The letter also raised concerns about corruption and mismanagement within the Somali Bureau of  Standards. 

According to the affected employees, Mrs. Hassan, who was appointed as the Director-General of  the bureau in late 2022, has terminated experienced staff members without valid justification and  replaced them with allegedly unqualified individuals who have close personal ties to her or her  family. The letter further claimed that these layoffs were carried out to create vacancies for these  favored individuals. 

The employees expressed deep frustration and disappointment, stating that their rights had been  violated and they had been unfairly dismissed from their positions. They called on President Hassan  Sheikh Mohamud to intervene and launch an investigation into the matter, and to take appropriate  action to address the alleged corruption and mismanagement at the Somali Bureau of Standards. 

These accusations against the President’s daughter-in-law have ignited public outrage and raised  concerns about nepotism and corruption within the Somali government.  

Critics are demanding a thorough investigation into the matter and accountability for any  wrongdoing. However, Hawa Ahmed Hassan has not yet responded to the allegations against her. 

The Bureau of Standards plays a critical role in ensuring quality control and standards in various  industries, including food and agriculture, construction, and consumer goods.  

The allegations against its Director-General have cast doubt on the integrity of the bureau and  highlighted the urgent need for transparency and accountability in the Somali government.

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