Al-Shabaab Launches Major attack on army base in central Somalia  


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – In a brazen attack, the Al-Shabaab terrorist group has launched a complex assault on a Somali army  base in the village of Bud-bud, located in the Galgadud region, according to military officials. 

The village was recently liberated from the terrorist group, but it appears that Al-Shabaab is  attempting to regain control of the area. 

According to local reports, the attack began in the early hours of Wednesday evening, with militants reportedly storming the base from several directions.  

The Somali army responded with heavy gunfire and airstrikes, but the militants have reportedly  managed to breach the perimeter of the base. 

The fighting is said to have been fierce, with both sides sustaining casualties.  

At this time, the exact number of casualties is unknown, but reports indicate that several soldiers  and militants have been killed or injured. 

The attack is a major setback for the Somali government, which has been working to oust Al Shabaab from the region.  

The village of Bud-bud was seen as a key victory in this effort, and the government had hoped to use  it as a launching pad for further operations against the terrorist group. 

Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack, and claimed its fighters have stormed the base  and seized military equipment.  

The group is affiliated with Al-Qaeda and is active in several countries in East Africa, including  Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania. 

The Somali government is yet to comment on the attack which underscores the significant threat  posed by the militant group amid ongoing military offensive aimed at driving them out of the areas  still under their control. 

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