Somali President Visits Troops Amid Ongoing Military Offensive  


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – On Thursday, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud made a visit to the Gen. Gordon military camp located in the capital city of Mogadishu at a crucial time when the country is  currently in the midst of an ongoing military offensive against the al-Shabab extremist group. 

The visit by President Mohamud was seen as a show of support and appreciation for the Somali  troops who have been fighting against al-Shabab, which has been responsible for numerous attacks  in Somalia in recent years.  

Accordong to officials, the president’s visit was also aimed at boosting morale among the troops and  encouraging them to continue their fight against the extremist group. 

During his visit, President Mohamud met with military officials and inspected the camp’s facilities,  including barracks, armories, and training grounds. 

He also held a meeting with the soldiers and expressed his gratitude for their dedication in  defending the country. 

The military offensive against al-Shabab has been ongoing for several years, and the group has been  pushed out of many of its strongholds in the country 

However, the extremist group still poses a significant threat, carrying out attacks on military and  civilian targets. 

The ongoing military offensive has been supported by airstrikes, drone strikes, and other tactics  aimed at weakening the group’s capacity to carry out attacks. 

The president’s visit is likely to provide a boost to the morale of the Somali troops, who are on the  front line of the fight against the extremist group.

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