Somali Official Claims Al-Shabaab Plot to Oust Key Anti Militants Governor 


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) –  A Somali official has warned against a plot by Al-Shabaab to remove the governor of  Hiiraan region from office.  

Mohamed Abdi Waare, the special envoy of the president of Somalia in charge of stabilization and  civilian affairs in the areas liberated from Al-Shabaab, has claimed that the extremist group is  offering millions of dollars in an attempt to have Ali Jayte Osman replaced in a bid to instakl someone more favorable to their cause. 

In a Twitter post on Saturday evening, Waare, the former leader of Hirshabelle called on his  successor, the president of Hirshabelle state, Ali Abdullahi Hussein (Gudlawe), against a plan to  replace Jayte, saying that his replacement would givr a relief to Al-Shabaab and could have a  negagive impact on the ongoing military operations in the region. 

Ali Jayte has played a significant role in the operations against Al-Shabaab in the Hiraan region, and  he is currently leading the second phase of the operation to drive the group out of western Hiran,  the last area still under the group’s control in the region. 

The development comes amid growing tensions between Jayte and the HirShabelle administration,  over the unification of taxes 

Jeyte has survived several attempts on his life by Al-Shabaab in the past but said he would not be  deterred by the attacks by the group and vowed to continue fighting them until he fully liberates his  region.

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