Mogadishu Municipality Revokes Restaurants, Hotels Licenses Amid Anti-Drugs Crackdown 

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Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The local government of the Somali capital has revoked the registration licenses for  restaurants and hotels in the city accused of engaging in drugs trade in the midst of an ongoing crackdown on drugs widely linked to an upsurge in gangs violence in recent months. 

According to the Banadir Regional administration which is in charge of Mogadishu, it has also  ordered the closure of commercial establishments frequent led by those consuming illegal  substances. 

Speaking to the reporters on Tuesday, Salah Dheere, the spokesperson of Banadir region revealed  that the licenses of hotels and restaurants in question have been revoked for involvements in  immoral activities such as murder and robberies of the city’s residents.  

He stated that the government has closed down businesses that participate in such activities that go  against the region’s moral standards and good conduct. 

Meanwhile, the region’s governor Yusuf Madale on the other hand stressed the significance of  upholding stability, development, beauty, and good culture in Mogadishu during his leadership of  the operation for the past two nights.  

He further declared that any actions that jeopardize the honor of the Somali people, their religion,  and their good manners would not be condoned by the government. 

The recent crackdown by the regional administration received a warm reception from the citizens of  Mogadishu, who deemed it overdue and commended the initiative to safeguard the future of the  Somali youth.  

The governor also reiterated that the revocation of licenses for the business establishments in  question serve as a firm warning to businesses engaging in illegal activities and reinforces the  government’s stance on advocating for ethical business practices.

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