Al-Shabaab Leaders Relocate Families Amid Military Setbacks

Al-Shabaab Leaders Relocate Families Amid Military Setbacks

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – Amid the military offensive that has been squeezing their territory and increased pressure, leadersĀ  of Al-Shabaab have started relocating their families overseas, the state media reported on Sunday.Ā 

Hassan Afgoye, a senior leader and close confidant of the group’s leader Ahmed Diriye, hasĀ  reportedly taken his sons out of the group’s ranks, fearing for their safety.Ā Ā 

This comes after other Al-Shabaab leaders had already pulled their children from the group’sĀ  military, prompting Afgoye to do the same.Ā Ā 

The group has been losing swathes of territory since the anti-Al-Shabaab uprising began late lastĀ  year.Ā Ā 

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The military offensive, launched by the Somali government and its allied locam forces, has beenĀ  making significant gains in recent months, pushing al-Shabaab fighters out of their strongholds in theĀ  central and southern regions of the country.Ā 

The offensive has disrupted the groupā€™s operations and weakened its ability to carry out attacks onĀ  civilian and military targets, which has led to increasing pressure on the groupā€™s leadership.Ā 

ALSO READ: Somalia prepares for 2nd phase offensive against al-Shabab

The relocation of al-Shabaab leadersā€™ families overseas is seen as a sign of the groupā€™s weakeningĀ  grip on the areas it once controlled.Ā Ā 

The move is also seen as a way for the leaders to secure their familiesā€™ safety and distance themĀ  from the ongoing conflict.

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