Al-Shabaab Abducts Loyalist Elders over possible defection suspicions 

Photo (AFP)

By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – In a surprising turn of events, Al-Shabaab, the extremist militant group operating in Somalia, has  reportedly abducted its own loyalist elders in the town of Jilib on Tuesday. 

This comes amid reports of suspicions of possible plans of defections by the elders. 

According to reports, the arrested elders were known to collect money from the Zakawad, a form of  taxation imposed by Al-Shabaab on the local population in areas under their control. The elders  were considered loyalists to the group and were responsible for enforcing the group’s rules and  regulations in the community. 

The motive behind the abductions and arrests remains unclear, but it is speculated that Al-Shabaab  may have suspected these elders of planning to defect or collaborating with the Somali government.  The abduction of their own loyalists is seen as a drastic move by the group, reflecting internal  tensions and suspicions within their ranks. 

Al-Shabaab has been known for its brutal tactics and strict enforcement of its radical interpretation  of Islamic law in the areas it controls. 

It also highlights the volatile and unpredictable nature of the group’s internal dynamics.

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