Ethiopian Prime Minister clarifies strategy behind regional Forces disbanding


By Abal Tadelereporter

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Somalistandard) – The Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has released a statement addressing the ongoing  controversies surrounding the ongoing disbanding of the regional special forces.  

Outlining his government’s plans to reorganize the Special Forces in the country’s areas, Mr. Abiy  emphasized the sacrifices made by the local special forces in ensuring the stability and security of  the country.  

He stated that in order to recognize and honor their efforts, the structure of the army needs to be  reformed, and the special forces should be given the label of Local Police, Federal Police, or Military,  with corresponding rights and privileges. 

Furthermore, Prime Minister Abiy expressed that the goal is not to disarm the special forces, but  rather to provide them with more weapons, equipment, ranks, and military knowledge than before.  

In the statement issued on Saturday morning, he further stated that these plans for restructuring the  Special Forces are crucial for the nationalism and unity of the country, and called on the entire  community to support them. 

The statement comes amid escalating violence and conflict in the Amhara region, where tensions  between different ethnic groups have been simmering for some time.  

The reorganization of the Special Forces is seen as a step towards addressing these tensions and  ensuring the stability and security of Ethiopia. 

However, there have been differing opinions on the proposed reforms, with some expressing  concerns about potential implications for the country’s security forces and the ongoing conflict in  the Amhara region. 

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s statement highlights the government’s intentions to recognize and  support the efforts of the local special forces while also addressing the need for structural reforms  within the army.  

As the situation in Ethiopia continues to evolve, the implementation and impact of these proposed  reforms will be closely watched by both domestic and international observers.

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