Female nurse shot dead in robbery amid growing gang violence in Mogadishu  


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – Suspected gang members have shot dead a young female nurse in the Somali capital on  Tuesday, police say. 

Na’imo Abdirahman, 20 who was a nurse at Madina Hospital was killed as the assailants attempted  to rob her phone, as she attempted to resist which led to the shooting which took place in  Mogadishu’s Yaqshid district. 

The criminals who were traveling in a motorcycle have since escaped before security forces arrived  the scene, according to police sources.  

Despite the transfer of security responsibilities to highly trained special forces and the imposition of  a weapons ban within city limits, Mogadishu still faces challenges from youth gangs known as “Ciyaal  Weero” who engage in criminal activities such as robbery, extortion, and drug trafficking. 

These gangs, often use firearms, knives, and machetes, remain active ans operate in some principal  areas in Mogadishu.  

The rise of youth gangs in Mogadishu is attributed to various factors such as poverty,  unemployment, lack of education and opportunities, and weak governance.  

It is believed that some government soldiers collude gangs and are involved in robberies, sharing the  loot with their peers.  

Firearms are also easily accessible in the city, making the situation even worse. 

This tragic incident highlights the security challenges that Mogadishu still faces despite recent efforts  to improve the situation.  

It comes amid growing calls for the government to tackle the growing gang violence in the city, to  ensure the safety of the city’s residents. .

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