Foreign Fishermen Arraigned in Somalia for Illegal Fishing

Photo Courtesy/Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The National Attorney General’s office in Somalia has taken legal action against foreign  individuals who were caught fishing illegally in Somali waters.  

On Monday, 36 suspects were brought to court along with 30 tons of illegally caught fish.  

This comes after a recent operation by the Somali Coast Guard, who seized three boats engaged in  illegal fishing activities off the coast of Somalia.  

This marks a significant milestone for the Somali Coast Guard, as it is their first operation of this kind  in decades. 

Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing has been a persistent problem in Somali waters,  with foreign vessels taking advantage of the lack of effective maritime law enforcement in the  region.  

IUU fishing not only undermines the livelihoods of local fishermen, but also poses a serious threat to  the marine ecosystem and food security in Somalia, according to marine experts. 

The Attorney General’s Office has released a statement warning that it will take a strong stance  against IUU fishing in Somalia and is committed to holding perpetrators accountable for their  actions.  

The 36 foreign suspects will face legal proceedings in Somali courts. Efforts to combat IUU fishing in  Somalia have been ongoing, with increased patrols and enforcement measures by the Somali Coast  Guard and international partners. 

The Somali Government has emphasized that the recent operations and subsequent legal actions  against the foreign suspects send a clear message that illegal fishing activities will not be tolerated in  Somali waters.

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