General’s Unlikely Appointment Stirs Debate and Reflects Somalia’s Gender Struggles


Mogadishu, Somalia — In the heart of Mogadishu, the news broke with the force of a tropical storm on Saturday.

Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre’s made new ministerial appointments, the most notable being that of General Bashir Mohamed Jama as Minister of Family Affairs and Human Rights Development.

However, the latest decree, appointing Jama widely known as Bashir Goobe as the new Minister of Family Affairs and Human Rights Development, has set off a whirlwind of controversy.

General Bashir Goobe, arguably the highest-ranking officer in the Somali military and a figure of considerable influence, has been tasked with leading the ministry previously known as the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Human Rights.

The decision to appoint a military general to this traditionally female-led ministry has ignited a flurry of reactions across social media platforms and within political circles.

Among the most vocal opponents is Ali Yare Ali, the former Deputy Mogadishu mayor.

Taking to Facebook, Ali Yare Ali expressed his profound disapproval, emphasizing the incongruity of appointing a man of General Goobe’s military stature to a ministry that has long championed women’s issues.

“The man who reached the highest rank, similar to the late General Mohamed Ali Samatar, has been appointed to the ministry of women, the only ministry led by women.” He said.

‘Note that when a man with the rank of General is appointed as the Minister of Women’s Affairs, the country is in conflict,” Ali stated in his post, describing the appointment as both “unfortunate” and “inappropriate.”

Critics argue that this decision undermines the progress made towards gender equality and the empowerment of women within the Somali government.

The Ministry of Women’s Affairs has historically been a platform for advancing women’s rights and addressing gender-specific issues.

The rebranding of the ministry and the appointment of a male general have been met with disbelief by many and are seen by some as steps backward.

“This ministry has always been our voice,”  said Amina Mohamed, a shopkeeper her eyes narrowing.

“Now, they’ve handed it to a military man. What does that say about their commitment to women’s rights?”

Amina’s sentiment is echoed by many in Somalia, particularly those who have seen the Ministry of Women’s Affairs as a beacon of hope in a country striving for gender equality.

The ministry, rebranded under its new name, is now led by General Goobe, a figure synonymous with military might rather than women’s advocacy.

The controversy also touches on deeper issues within Somali society, where tradition often collides with the drive for modernization and equality.

The Prime Minister’s office has yet to respond to these criticisms.

Yet, there are some who see potential in this unconventional choice.


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