International Investigation Leads to Arrest of Murder Suspect Wanted by Somalia in South Sudan


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – In a major breakthrough, an international investigation has resulted in the arrest a  fugitive wanted for murder by Somalia in South Sudan, with the crucial support of Interpol, Somali police  say on Wednesday.  

According to the Somali police, the arrest of the suspect, Zakariye Ali Ahmed Osobow, a former  police officer accused of fatally shooting a former police officer Ali Hassan Siyad (Ali Tareen) on July  28th, 2022, in the Dayniile marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of justice and serves as a  testament to the power of international collaboration in combating cross-border crime. 

The arrest came as a result of a joint operation conducted by law enforcement agencies from  Somalia and South Sudan, with the assistance of Interpol, the international police organization.  

Authorities had been tracking the suspect, who was believed to have fled Somalia after committing  the murder crime and was in hiding in South Sudan since. 

A plane carrying the suspect who was extradited to Somalia arrived in Mogadishu on Tuesday to ensure that he faces justice for the crimes he allegedly committed in Somalia.  

According to Col. Sidiq Dodishe, the spokesman of the Somali police, the successful arrest of the suspect serves as a powerful message to fugitives who believe they can evade the law by fleeing  across borders.  

“The global reach and join operations like this reinforce the fact that perpetrators will be relentlessly  pursued, even if they attempt to find sanctuary in foreign countries.” He said. 

As the aircraft carrying the suspect landed at Aden Adde Airport, many people, including the  deceased’s relatives, Somali Police officers, Interpol International Police, and other officials have  gathered at the tarmac as the suspect in cuffs was led out of the plane before officers whisked him  away into a custody. 

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