Media advocate Leaves Mogadishu After months of Legal Hurdles and Travel Restrictions


By Tom Mwangi, Africa editor  

Nairobi, Kenya (Somalistandard) – The Secretary-General of the Somali Journalists Syndicate, Abdalle  Ahmed Mumin, has left Mogadishu after a six-month legal battle and travel denials.  

Mumin had been arrested in October 2022 after objecting to a new anti-propaganda law in Somalia  that targeted news outlets. Since then, he has faced numerous legal issues, including being denied  the right to travel for medical attention. 

However, on Sunday, Mumin was released from prison, and on Wednesday, he traveled to Nairobi  to seek medical attention. While he initially faced resistance from Somali officials on Tuesday,  pressure from media rights advocates, the global community, and various embassies led to his  eventual departure. 

Mumin is a well-known advocate for press freedom in Somalia, and his case has highlighted concerns  about the state of media freedom in the country. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists,  Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists, with at least 65  journalists killed since 1992. 

International organizations have called on the Somali government to respect press freedom and  allow journalists to report freely and without fear of reprisal. Mumin’s departure from Mogadishu  marks a significant moment in the fight for press freedom in Somalia, but much work remains to be  done to ensure that journalists can report on the country’s events safely and without censorship.

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