Mogadishu Mayor Vows to Enforce President’s Weapons Ban directive amid political tension  

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By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – Yusuf Hussein Jimale, the Mayor of Mogadishu and a prominent figure in the ruling  Damul-Jadiid party, has confirmed that he will enforce the President’s directive to ban opposition  leaders from carrying weapons for their protection in the Somali capital. 

The announcement comes amidst growing political tensions in Mogadishu, as Opposition leaders  have expressed concerns over their safety and have been known to carry weapons for their personal  protection in the past. 

Mayor Jimale, who is known to be a close associate of the President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud,  made the announcement during a press conference in Mogadishu on Saturday, insisting that the  decision to prohibit opposition leaders from carrying weapons was in line with the President’s efforts  to maintain peace and security in the capital city. 

“This directive is aimed at ensuring the safety and security of all citizens in Mogadishu, including  political leaders,” Mayor Jimale said. 

“We urge all to comply with this directive.” 

He did not provide any details on how the directive would be enforced or what consequences  opposition leaders would face if they failed to comply. However, he warned that the government  would take all necessary measures to implement the directive. 

Opposition leaders, on the other hand, have expressed their dissatisfaction with the directive, calling  it an attempt to suppress their political activities and limit their ability to protect themselves. 

They have raised concerns about the deteriorating security situation in Mogadishu and questioned  the government’s commitment to ensuring their safety. 

“We have a legitimate right to protect ourselves, especially in a volatile and dangerous political  environment like Mogadishu and threat from al-Shabaab,” said one opposition leader who wished to  remain anonymous. 

“This directive is nothing but an attempt to weaken our political activities and limit our ability to  stand up for our rights.” 

The announcement by the mayor has further heightened political tensions in Mogadishu, with  opposition leaders vowing to challenge the directive and continue their political activities despite  the ban on carrying weapons. 

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