Prominent Somali politician dies, aged 80 


Liban Mohamed staff writer  

Kampala (Somalistandard) – Ismail Mohamud Hurre Buba, a renowned Somali politician and the former Minister of  Foreign Affairs, passed away on Wednesday in Ankara, Turkey, while undergoing medical treatment,  his family said on Wednesday.  

Throughout his career, he was recognized for his exceptional intellect and public service  contributions to Somalia. 

During his services in Somalia, Prof. Buba held several prominent government positions, including  Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Finance.  

He also played a pivotal role in the establishment of the self-declared state of Somaliland, serving as  its first Minister of Finance. 

In a statement released on Wednesday, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia expressed his  deepest sympathies to Buba’s family, friends, and the entire nation, emphasizing his academic  expertise and critical contribuHassanhe played in the rebuilding and strengthening Somalia’s  government and foreign policy. 

Born in Hargeisa, Buba spent his early years in the Aware region of Ethiopia before completing his  primary education in Borama. He was then granted a scholarship to pursue his undergraduate and  graduate studies in the United States. 

After finishing his studies, Buba worked as an educator in Somalia and at Saudi Arabia’s King Abdul  Aziz University, as well as for the Arab League.  

In recent years, he resided in Hargeysa, participated in political forums, and was a member of the  opposition Wadani party before joining new political organizations. 

Mr. Buba was an esteemed figure who made significant contributions to Somalia’s development,  education, and governance.

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