Puntland slams Appointment of Somaliland Envoy Amid Ongoing Conflict in Lasanood 

Photo Courtesy/Internet

By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – The Puntland state government has expressed surprise and concern over the recent appointment of  Abdikarin Hussein Guled as the envoy for Somaliland affairs by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.  

This move comes at a time when the city of Lasanood, the capital of Sool region, has been embroiled  in a war for more than two months. 

In a press release issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Puntland on Thursday evening, the  state criticized President Hassan Sheikh for underestimating the severity of the situation in Lasanood  and failing to fulfill his constitutional duty to protect the people of Sool region.  

Puntland also expressed doubt that the federal government can impartially mediate in the conflict  given the recent appointment of a Somaliland envoy. 

“This issue (appointment) goes against the long-standing concerns of the people of Sool and their  decision to declare that they are not part of Somaliland,” stated the press release from Puntland. 

Puntland has called on the federal government to refrain from taking sides and exacerbating the  already complicated situation in Lasanood and the SSC (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) regions.  

The ongoing conflict has resulted in casualties and displacement of civilians, and Puntland urged all  parties to prioritize peaceful resolution and dialogue to bring an end to the violence. 

The appointment of a Somaliland envoy by President Hassan Sheikh has further strained relations  between Puntland and Somaliland, as both regions have long-standing disputes over territory and  sovereignty.  

The conflict in Lasanood has added to the tensions, and Puntland’s criticism of the appointment  reflects their concerns about the neutrality of the federal government in mediating the conflict. 

The situation in Lasanood and the wider SSC regions remains precarious, amid ongoing efforts  towards peaceful resolution and growing calls for dialogue to prevent further escalation of the  conflict.

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