Puntland-Somali Govt Standoff escalates amid row over autonomy, resources

Photo Courtesy/Internet

By Liban Mohamed, writer 

Kampala (Somalistandard) – Puntland, an autonomous region in northeastern Somalia, finds itself in a tense standoff with the central government led by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The dispute arises from  disagreements over governance and resource sharing, threatening to escalate into a full-blown  political crisis in the already fragile nation. 

Tensions between Puntland and the Somali government have been simmering for months, with both  sides trading accusations and grievances. At the heart of the dispute is the distribution of power and  resources, particularly revenue from the oil-rich region of Puntland. Puntland has accused the  central government of President Mohamud of failing to respect its autonomy and encroaching on its  powers, while the government in Mogadishu has accused Puntland of undermining national unity  and attempting to establish its own independent state. 

The situation took a dramatic turn when Puntland leader, President Abdullahi Deni, declared that his  region would suspend all cooperation with the central government, including participation in federal  institutions and revenue sharing agreements. Deni accused President Mohamud’s government of  violating the constitution and engaging in unilateral actions that bypassed Puntland’s authority. He  further stated that Puntland would not resume cooperation until its grievances were addressed and  its autonomy respected. 

President Mohamud’s government, on the other hand, has condemned Puntland’s move as  unconstitutional and accused Deni of undermining the unity and stability of Somalia. The central  government has called for dialogue and negotiations to resolve the dispute, but Puntland has  remained adamant in its demands for greater autonomy and a fair share of resources. 

The standoff between Puntland and the Somali government has raised concerns about the stability  of Somalia, which has been grappling with political and security challenges for decades. The country  has been struggling to establish a functioning federal system of governance, with various regions  vying for power and resources. The dispute between Puntland and the central government  threatens to further exacerbate existing tensions and undermine efforts to build a united and stable  Somalia. 

International stakeholders, including the United Nations, the African Union, and regional  organizations, have expressed concern over the situation and called for peaceful resolution through  dialogue and negotiation. They have urged both Puntland and the Somali government to find a  compromise that respects the constitution and the autonomy of Puntland while upholding the unity and integrity of Somalia. 

As the standoff continues, the situation remains uncertain, with potential implications for the  political, social, and economic stability of Somalia. The outcome of this dispute will have far-reaching  consequences for the future of the country and its efforts to overcome decades of conflict and  instability. All eyes are on Puntland and the Somali government as they navigate this challenging  situation and seek a resolution to their differences.

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