Residents flee as gunmen ambush Somaliland troops convoy in another town 

An Internally displaced family who were evicted forcefully from their home/File Photo/Ergo

By Ibrahim Jama, reporter

Hargeisa, Somalia (Somalistandard) – The residents of Aricaddeeye, a small town in the Sool region, have been forced to flee their homes  following a conflict that broke out on Monday evening.  

The incident began when unidentified gunmen ambushed a vehicle belonging to the Somaliland  army, which was carrying injured soldiers. 

The Somaliland army quickly responded to the attack by opening fire in the city, causing several  casualties.  

As a result, panic spread among the local population, and many fled their homes to seek safety  elsewhere. 

The situation in the nearby town of Lasaanod has also been volatile, with Somaliland troops battling  clan militias in the area. The clashes have led to casualties on both sides, and there are reports of  heavy gunfire and explosions in the town. 

According to local resident Omar Ahmed Dayib, the people who fled Aricaddeeye had already been  displaced by the ongoing conflict in Lasaanod. The town is located 30 km away from Lasaanod and  has also been affected by the violence. 

While the situation in Lasaanod had been relatively calm on Monday, Saturday’s fight was described  as the heaviest since the conflict began. 

The ongoing violence in the region has resulted in a humanitarian crisis, with many people forced to  flee their homes and seek shelter elsewhere.

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