Somali Army Retakes Major District from Al-Shabaab 


By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – In a recent development, the Somali army has successfully recaptured Galcad, a crucial district in the  Galgaduud region, from the terrorist group Al-Shabaab on Friday.  

Images released by the army show troops entering the main Al-Shabaab courthouse in the district,  marking a significant victory in the ongoing fight against terrorism in the region. 

During the military operation, the army safely detonated several landmines that had been planted  by Al-Shabaab before they fled the area.  

Photos also show the meticulous work of the army in safely disposing of the mines before gaining  access to the court’s compound.  

Additionally, the army’s leading officers, upon liberating Galcad, held meetings with the traditional  elders and other members of the community, assuring them that the city will no longer be under Al Shabaab’s control and won’t fall back into their hands. 

This victory against Al-Shabaab is a major milestone in the continuous efforts to combat terrorism in  the region.  

The recapture of Galcad is a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and security of the local  population. 

The retaking of Galcad is expected to disrupt the operations of Al-Shabaab in the region and deal a  significant blow to their ability to carry out acts of violence and terrorism.

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