Somali forces Approach Major al-Shabab Stronghold as residents flee 

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Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – Allied Somali army forces, along with local militias known as Ma’awisley, are advancing  towards the long-time al-Shabab base in Elbur, a town located in the Galgadud region of central  Somalia, military officials said on Monday. 

Over the weekend, the eastern quarters of Elbur were captured by the advancing forces on Saturday  and Sunday, respectively. 

The operation to retake Elbur began last week with the recapture of areas surrounding the town, but  was temporarily delayed earlier this week as officers made strategic plans before proceeding with  the push into the town, which is a significant stronghold for al-Shabab. 

In anticipation of the battle, hundreds of families have fled the area in the past two days as the  Somali army and local militias captured a string of villages surrounding Elbur. 

Al-Shabab, an extremist group linked to al-Qaeda, has been active in Somalia for years and has  carried out numerous attacks on civilians, government institutions, and African Union peacekeeping  forces. 

The push to retake Elbur is part of a broader effort by the Somali government and its allies to  combat al-Shabab and restore stability to the country.  

The Somali army, supported by regional forces and international partners, has been conducting  operations to degrade and dismantle al-Shabab’s capabilities and drive them out of their  strongholds.  

The capture of Elbur would be a significant blow to al-Shabab, as it is considered a key base for their  operations in central Somalia. 

The situation in Elbur and the surrounding areas remains fluid as the military offensive to drive out  militants across Somalia continues. 

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