Somali Government Claims Killing of Al-Shabaab Leaders in Military Operation


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The Somali government has claimed it has carried out a successful military operation  against the Al-Shabaab militant group, which resulted in the killing of several key leaders on Sunday. 

According to a statement from Somalia’s Ministry of Information, the operation was conducted in  the areas of Eel Qansax and Eel Huyun in the Galgaduud region. 

Among those killed is Artan Iley, a lieutenant of Koba Kutukade, a senior Al-Shabaab leader, the  statement said. Another figure by the name of Dahir Alasow, widely known in the regions of  Galgaduud and Middle Shabelle, was also injured in the operation.  

The government also reported that Al-Shabaab bases in El Qansax and El Huyun were destroyed by  the military during the said operation.  

In a coordinated attack, the government and local forces, referred to as Mawiisleyda, also launched  an assault on Al-Shabaab positions in the Budbud area of Galgaduud region.  

The attack targeted the village of Haawo Gagal, which had been taken over by the allied forces the  previous day. 

The state media also reported that the attack resulted in heavy losses for Al-Shabaab, with 9  members killed and their positions destroyed. 

There has been no response from Al-Shabaab regarding the government’s claims of success.  

However, the government and local forces have been actively conducting operations in the  Galgaduud region, with plans to pursue the group to Elbur.  

The Somali government continues its efforts to combat Al-Shabaab, which has been responsible for  numerous attacks and acts of terrorism in the country.  

The success of this recent special operation marks a significant blow to the extremist group and  showcases the ongoing efforts of the Somali government and its allies to maintain peace and  stability in the region.

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