Somali government reports sharp Decline in Al-Shabaab Attacks Amid Military Operations 

The number of attacks by  Al-Shabaab has declined by 70% over the past three months (Photo Courtesy/internet)

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The Somali government announced on Wednesday that there has been a significant  decrease in the number of attacks carried out by the Al-Shabaab militant group, thanks to ongoing  military operations and enhanced security measures in the country. 

According to a statement released by the cabinet ministers on Thursday, the number of attacks by  Al-Shabaab has declined by 70% over the past three months, compared to the same period last year.  

The statement also highlighted the success of the Somali National Army, which has been working  closely with international partners to combat terrorism and restore stability in the region. 

“The Somali government is committed to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens, and we are  pleased to see that our efforts are yielding positive results,” said the statement.  

“We will continue to work with our international partners to root out terrorism and promote peace  and stability in Somalia.” 

The decline in attacks by Al-Shabaab comes after a series of military offensives launched by the  Somali National Army, with support from the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and the  United States military.  

In addition to military operations, the government has also implemented several security measures,  including increased surveillance, intelligence gathering, and border control. 

The Al-Shabaab militant group has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks in Somalia over  the past decade, targeting government officials, civilians, and international organizations.  

Despite the recent decline in attacks, the group remains a significant threat to security in the region,  and the Somali government has urged its citizens to remain vigilant. 

“We cannot be complacent in our fight against terrorism,” read the statement issued after s cabinet  meeting.  

“We shall continue to work together to ensure that they (Al-Shabaab) are defeated once and for all.”

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