Somali President appoints Envoy for Children’s Rights and Immigrants Affairs 


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – On Wednesday, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud announced the appointment of Maryan  Yasin Haji Yusuf as the Special Envoy for Children and Immigrant Rights.  

The president emphasized his government’s commitment to addressing important issues facing the  Somali people and expressed confidence in Mrs. Yusuf’s expertise and experience in safeguarding  children’s issues and the rights of immigrants. 

President Mohamud directed the new envoy to prioritize national plans that focus on protecting  children and their fundamental rights.  

This appointment marks the fifth envoy appointed by the president.  

Previously, in April, he appointed Abdikarin Hussein Guled as the envoy for Somaliland affairs and  Mohamed Abdi Waare as the Special Envoy for stabilizing and protecting civilian affairs in war zones. 

The government views these appointments as evidence of the president’s dedication to resolving  crucial matters in Somalia and finding solutions to stabilize and safeguard the country.

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