Somali president appoints envoy to Somaliland 


By Younis Ahmed, staff writer 

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – In a move seen to be paving way for reunification talks  between Somali government and Somaliland, the Somali president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has  appointed Mr. Abdikarim Hussein Guled as the envoy for Somaliland affairs.  

The announcement was made on Wednesday, 1st April, 2023, at the Presidential Palace in the  capital city of Mogadishu. 

According to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the appointment of Mr. Guled is part of the Federal Government’s  commitment to ensuring the unity and solidarity of the Somali people.  

He emphasized the need for dialogue, advice sharing, and negotiations as a way of finding a lasting  solution to the existing concerns of our brothers and sisters in the northern regions of Somaliland. 

Guled, the newly appointed envoy, has extensive experience in reconciliation, conflict resolution,  and negotiations. He has previously played a key role in various stages of negotiations between the  Federal Government of Somalia and Somaliland, and his appointment is seen as a step towards  fostering better relations between the two regions. 

The appointment of the envoy comes at a time when there have been increased calls for dialogue  and reconciliation between the Federal Government of Somalia and Somaliland.  

The two sides have been at odds for many years, with Somaliland unilaterally declaring  independence from Somalia in 1991. Despite this, the Federal Government of Somalia has not  recognized Somaliland as an independent state. 

it is hoped that this move will pave the way for more dialogue and negotiations between the Federal  Government of Somalia and Somaliland, leading to a peaceful resolution of the longstanding dispute.

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