Somali President Pardons Prisoners on Eid Occasion

Photo Courtesy/SONNA

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has issued a presidential pardon for 127  prisoners who were being held in different prisons in Mogadishu. 

According to a statement released by the president’s office on Saturday, the prisoners were being  held in the Hamar Central Prison and the MBC Prison in KM7.  

The release of the prisoners came on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which is celebrated after the end of  Ramadan. 

The statement also revealed that the presidential pardon was made on the recommendation of the  Attorney General’s office, which had identified the prisoners as having been convicted of minor  crimes. 

As a result, according to the statement, the Attorney General’s office had requested that the  president grant them amnesty and release them from the prisons where they were being held. 

It is customary for the Somali president to issue pardons for prisoners who have been convicted of  minor crimes each year on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.  

The move is seen as a way of promoting forgiveness and reconciliation among the Somali people. 

The release of the prisoners is expected to bring some relief to their families, who have been waiting  for their loved ones to be released.  

The Somali government has been trying to reform its justice system, and the release of the prisoners  is seen as a positive step in this direction. 

The Somali government has been battling various security challenges, including terrorism and piracy,  for many years.  

The release of these prisoners is expected to help ease some of the pressure on the country’s  already stretched justice system, which is struggling to cope with the high number of detainees in its  prisons.

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