Somali president sees ‘imminent ‘ al-Shabaab defeat in military offensive

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud speaks during a Reuters interview inside his office at the Presidential palace in Mogadishu, Somalia May 28, 2022. REUTERS/Feisal Omar

By Tom Mwangi, Africa editor  

Nairobi, Kenya (Somalistandard) – Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is hoping that the country’s military offensive against al-Shabaab will result in the “defeat” of the al-Qaeda-linked  Islamist group that has terrorized the Horn of Africa for 15 years.  

The government-led campaign, which began in August, has seen government forces making  territorial gains mainly in central Somalia.  

The progress has been supported by a financial crackdown that led to the freezing of hundreds of  bank and mobile money accounts holding millions of dollars. 

Somalia prepares for 2nd phase offensive against al-Shabab 

There has also been a drive to convince Somali clerics to condemn al-Shabaab as “anti-Islamic.” The  President told the Financial Times that two things are there to defeat al-Shabaab, one is military, and  the other is ideological. He believes that in the military war, they will defeat them. 

The offensive against al-Shabaab is backed by the United States, Turkey, the African Union, and  other countries.  

This comes at a time when Somalia, a country with a population of 17 million people, is experiencing  its worst drought in decades, leading to a humanitarian crisis and a food crisis affecting over a third  of the population. Millions are on the verge of famine.

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