Somali President’s Weapons Control Directives Raise Doubts 

Photo Courtesy/Internet

By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – Somali politicians are skeptical of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s recent announcement on the  government’s plan to control illegal weapons in Somalia.  

The President has issued a ban on government officials traveling in military vehicles in Mogadishu  and carrying heavy weapons, citing concerns over misuse of military vehicles and the widespread  availability of weapons in the city.  

However, skeptics view these measures with suspicion, seeing them as potentially part of a hidden  agenda to disarm and silence political opponents. 

There are concerns that the government may selectively enforce these measures, targeting specific  individuals or factions while allowing others to continue their activities unchecked, in a bid to  consolidate power in the hands of the ruling government.  

Critics suggest that this could be a tactic to suppress dissent and opposition voices under the guise of  controlling weapons. 

Moreover, political observers are uneasy about the government’s new strategies and laws to combat  the extremist group Al-Shabaab, fearing that they may be used as a pretext to crack down on  dissent.  

Past governments in Somalia have been accused of using counterterrorism measures to suppress  political opposition, and critics are wary that President Mohamud’s announcement may follow a  similar pattern. 

Questions are also being raised over the effectiveness of these measures in addressing the  underlying security challenges faced by Somalia. 

Banning the possession of heavy weapons and military vehicles alone may not be enough to tackle  the deep-rooted insecurity and instability in the country, they say arguing that the government  needs to address the socio-political and economic issues that contribute to the proliferation of  weapons and extremist groups like Al-Shabaab instead.  

Transparency and accountability in the implementation of these measures are also a concern for  critics. Without proper oversight and monitoring, there is a risk of abuse and corruption, which may  further undermine the government’s efforts to control illegal weapons and combat extremism. 

As President Mohamud’s plan to control illegal weapons unfolds, his opponents are increasingly  doubtful about its true intentions and effectiveness in addressing the security challenges faced by  Somalia. The government needs to address these concerns, ensure transparency and accountability,  and gain the trust and support of the local population in its efforts to establish security and stability  in the country, they suggested. 

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