Somali Security Forces Intercept Military Supplies Bound for Al-Shabaab


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – In a major breakthrough, the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) has  successfully intercepted and seized a container carrying military supplies and equipment intended  for the extremist group Al-Shabaab.  

The operation took place at the port of Mogadishu, where the disguised shipment was attempting to  evade scrutiny. 

According to the government, the covertly concealed military equipment, masqueraded as ordinary  commercial goods, was destined for Al-Shabaab-held territory. 

However, thanks to the meticulous surveillance efforts of the Somali intelligence agency, the  equipment was intercepted and seized by secret agents at the Mogadishu port on Friday.  

Mohamed Ali Hagaa, the Minister of State for Internal Security announced the successful seizure  during a media briefing, commending the agency’s diligent work. 

In a related development, authorities at Aden Adde Airport in Mogadishu discovered and  confiscated another shipment of explosive device believed to be linked to the military equipment  shipment intercepted at the port.  

According to Mr. Hagaa, the seizure of the explosive devices shipment at the airport and the military  supplies at the port that were meant to be smuggled into al-Shabab-held areas underscore the growing sophistication of al-Shabaab and extent of collusion between the terrorists and elements of  the business community.  

He lauded the intelligence agency’s successful operation which he noted highlights its efforts in  closely monitoring Al-Shabaab’s activities that played a crucial role in preventing the group from  obtaining the shipments to carry out their deadly attacks. 

“The interconnectednes between the port and airport incidents confirms the collusion and  conspiracy between the terrorists. It is only through the grace of God and the dedication of our  Intelligence and National Security forces that we were able to thwart their plans,” emphasized  Minister Hagaa. 

He noted that with the latest seizures, the government aims to safeguard the capital city and all  regions of Somalia from the threat of terrorism. 

This latest success in intercepting the disguised military supplies demonstrates the government’s  resolve to dismantle the infrastructure supporting extremist organizations. It also serves as a  reminder that Somali security forces remain vigilant and proactive in their efforts to maintain peace  and stability in the nation. 

The thwarting of this attempt to smuggle military equipment into Al-Shabaab territory is a significant  blow to the group’s capabilities, and it sends a strong message that the Somali government will not  tolerate any threats to its national security, Hagaa said, emphasizing that the collaboration between  the intelligence agency and security forces showcases the nation’s determination to combat  terrorism head-on, ensuring a safer future for all Somalis.


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