Somalia mulls to resume diplomatic relations with Cuba  


By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu, Somalia (Somalistandard) – In a surprising move, Somalia has is reportedly considering to resume diplomatic relations with Cuba  after a gap of nearly 46 years, according to diplomatic sources.  

Somalia and Cuba had severed ties in 1977 after the revolutionary government led by Siad Barre  decided to align itself with the Soviet Union.  

The break in relations came after Cuba supported Ethiopia during its conflict with Somalia in 1978.  Cuba had sent troops to Ethiopia, which helped it defeat Somalia’s forces. 

The resumption of ties between the two countries is expected to bring economic benefits to  Somalia, which is still recovering from years of civil war and unrest.  

The two countries are expected to cooperate in various fields, including healthcare, education, and  agriculture. 

The resumption of ties between Somalia and Cuba is seen as a significant diplomatic move, which  could have wider implications for the region.  

Somalia has been seeking to strengthen its ties with other countries in recent years, and this move  could help it achieve that goal.

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