State-of art Somali Movie Tries To shatter Taboos 


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – Somalia’s local Bile TV channel is has aired a new TV series titled “Arday” or “Student,”  which tackles some of the country’s most controversial topics, including rape, drugs, pornography,  and girl gangsters. 

Directed by Ahmed Farah, a British Filmmaker, the 10-part series was shot entirely in the Somali  capital, Mogadishu, with a cast of teenagers who had never acted before.  

In an interview with the BBC, Farah said he was inspired to write the script after observing young  Somalis on TikTok and realizing that their voices were not being heard. The series follows a group of  high-school students and their challenges in a country where 75% of the population is under 30 but  often overlooked.  

One of the stars, Shukri Abdikadir, who was was working as a waitress before being cast in the show.  

The Ground-breaking series is part of the revival of Somalia’s film industry, which had been severely  damaged by years of conflict.

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