UN Appeals for Greater Support for Somalia 


By Younis Ahmed, staff writer

Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, has called for urgent international  support to strengthen Somalia’s security capacity and stability.  

Speaking during his annual visit to the Muslim country during Ramadan, Guterres highlighted that  Somalis are among the biggest victims of the climate crisis, despite contributing only 0.003% of  global greenhouse gas emissions. 

The United Nations had previously appealed to the international community in February for $2.6  billion to address the humanitarian needs of drought-stricken Somalia, which is facing the worst  drought in the Horn of Africa region in four decades.  

Nearly five million Somalis are currently experiencing severe food insecurity, according to the United  Nations. 

However, the organization has only managed to raise 15% of the funds it needs to support Somalia,  indicating a significant funding gap.  

Guterres emphasized the importance of international support to tackle the challenges faced by  Somalia and called on the global community to step up efforts to address the humanitarian crisis and  support the country’s stability and security. 

Somalia has long struggled with conflict, poverty, and insecurity, exacerbated by natural disasters  such as droughts and floods.  

The United Nations has been actively involved in providing humanitarian assistance and supporting  peacebuilding efforts in the country.  

Guterres’ call for increased international support underscores the urgent need to address the  challenges facing Somalia and ensure the well-being of its people.

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