UN shifts Laasaanod-bound humanitarian aid hub from Hargeisa to Garowe 


By Liban Mohamed, reporter 

Kampala, Uganda (Somalistandard) -In a recent move, the United Nations has shifted the relief  meant for the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC) region from Somaliland to Garowe.  

According to officials, the decision was made after extensive deliberation and assessment of the  current situation on the ground. 

For years, Somaliland has been the primary hub for the aid meant for Laasaanod, a city located in  the SSC region. However, the UN’s decision to shift the hub to Garowe, the capital city of Puntland,  has sparked mixed reactions among aid agencies and local authorities. 

According to sources, the decision was made after taking into account the security situation, access  to basic amenities, and the prevalence of conflicts in the region.  

The UN also considered the lack of resources and infrastructure in the restive Laasaanod, which  made it difficult for aid agencies to operate efficiently amid constant artillery shelling and clashes  around the city. 

However, the decision has also faced criticism from some quartehs 

Some local authorities in Somaliland have expressed their displeasure, arguing that Laasaanod is  parts of its territory.  

The shift in relief hub highlights the complex nature of aid distribution in Somalia, where security  concerns, political rivalries, and clan conflicts often complicate humanitarian efforts.  

The UN’s decision to shift the hub to Garowe is seen as a step towards addressing some of these  challenges and improving aid distribution in the region.

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