US Signals Support for possible Somalia-Somaliland Talks 


Mogadishu (Somalistandard) – The United States government says it’s committed to play an important role in possible talks between the federal government of Somalia and Somaliland, according to the outgoing US  ambassador to Somalia, Andre Larry. 

In a recent telephone conversation with the newly appointed Somali President’s envoy for  Somaliland affairs, Abdikarin Guled, Mr. Larry discussed the importance of strengthening the talks  and achieving success in the near future. 

Guled, who assumed his position in early April, has been actively engaging with various leaders in  the region to seek support for the resumption of talks between Somalia and Somaliland. 

He has recently met with the president of Djibouti and plans to present his plan to leaders of other  Horn of Africa countries before the talks resume. 

The Somali government has affirmed its determination to find a lasting solution to the problems  facing Somaliland and resume talks on reunification.  

However, Somaliland has stated that it is currently not feasible to reopen the talks soon, citing the  conflict in Laasaanod, a town in the eastern Sool region, and the upcoming elections in Somaliland as  factors affecting the process. 

The possible resumption of talks between the two sides could potentially pave the way for a  peaceful resolution to the longstanding issues between Somalia and Somaliland, which declared a  unilateral independence from Somalia in 1991. 

As a major international and regional player in the region, the US sees the resumption of talks as a  significant step towards achieving important goals including peace and stability in Somalia. 

The talks between Somalia and Somaliland have been on and off over the years, with both sides  holding different positions on the status of Somaliland.  

While the Somali government considers Somaliland as an integral part of Somalia, Somaliland has  sought recognition as an independent state.

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